25 Things…

Thursday, January 22, 2009 by Michelle

25 Random Things About Me Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. Of course, you don't have to... but it's an interesting exercise so why not? (To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.) 1. When I'm by myself, I lip sync to music and dance like a crazy woman. 2. I used to weigh over 200 lbs and couldn't climb the stairs without huffing and puffing, and now I have <20% body fat and can run a half marathon (thanks Warren!). 3. I've been married to my husband Toph (Chris) for more than 14 years. 4. On a dare from Toph, I once stepped outside of our tent onto a logging road buck naked. 5. I have a massage chair and I secretly love to see people jiggle all over while they are being pummeled by it. 6. I love silly practical jokes like scaring and startling people; makes me laugh so hard I can barely breathe! 7. I feel uneasy in bars/pubs and at parties where people are drinking more than just one or two drinks; I feel like it's my responsibility to make sure nothing bad happens and everyone gets home safe. 8. I absolutely love being a godmother and auntie. 9. I've always admired my sister's "don't take any shit" attitude and wish that I was as quick witted as she is. 10. I'm fiercely competitive, even with myself; it's sometimes hard for me to reign that in. 11. I believe that life is too short for boring underwear. 12. I occasionally write poetry, but am too afraid to do the serious stuff very often because it comes from too deep a place. 13. I find it difficult to not correct or point out spelling errors in signs, websites, emails, etc. 14. I can be really critical and judgmental, and with effort I stifle that part of myself. 15. Trust is very hard for me. 16. I enjoy watching people's calves when they walk or run - muscles in motion are amazing. 17. I love the autumn mostly because I love making soup. 18. I used to be religious, and am relieved to be free of that now. 19. I'm fascinated with how amazing the human hand is. 20. Poor sportsmanship annoys me to no end. 21. When I was young, I thought that once you started to read a book you had to finish it, even if you don't like the book and it takes you years to read. 22. I had emergency life/death surgery as an infant (was scheduled for the first kidney transplant, but they saved my kidneys) and was airlifted from my hometown in near-hurricane force winds. 23. Although I enjoy music, visual arts, textile arts, etc., it's photography that moves me on a profoundly deep level. 24. Despite not buying lottery tickets, I often fantasize about winning the big one and giving a ridiculously big fat cheque to Atira. 25. It's hard to be taken seriously when you sneeze like I do; it sounds like an Alvin and the Chipmunks version of a sneeze. Damned embarrassing.